Sunday, January 6, 2019

Jack Ma's Journey Moves From Teacher To Billionaires And Back To Teachers

Jack Ma is a wealthy entrepreneur after establishing Alibaba and planning to resign as the founder of the company. As the company, he has created over two decades.

On Monday, two weeks ago, Jack Ma said his 54th birthday was when he decided Resigning as CEO of the company, whose resignation will take place next year Only once.

Duncan Clark, author of "Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built," told CNN he suspects M's retirement is caused by Geopolitical. Clark said: "Jack Ma has been talking about getting back to being a teacher for so long, so there is no No surprise. "

Turning to Jack Ma's story, he was born into a poor family in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. In 1964, he said in an interview that he failed to apply at Harvard. Ten times failing to apply for a job several times.

He failed to take two exams before studying at Hangzhou Teacher's College. However, he graduated in 1988 and continued to teach English there many years, Jack Ma described and compared. About becoming one of China's most prominent tech billionaires, such as in Hollywood.

He said that he traveled to California in 1995 to help pay US debt. One man owed a Chinese company, but the man had a gun and arrested him for two days, and he escaped. He promised that the businessman would become his partner Internet networking company.

According to The Times, Jack Ma did not contact the man anymore, but he asked a friend about Seth The Internet and he returned to China while the internet project was still unclear.

According to the source, "the day we got to the internet, I invited friends and family Both on TV to my house, we waited for 3 and a half hours, and we were drinking, watching television and playing cards in the pocket. Remember, but I am very proud because I have shown that The Internet and the same day.
Establishing the company of Abeba
Jack Ma gave up his teaching career and borrowed two thousand dollars to create a website, the country's first commercial website. China. After the company failed, he collected about $ 60,000 (the US $ 60,000) from friends and investors and founded Alibaba .com was a business to business in 1999. It attracted the support of big companies such as Goldman Sachs (GS) and SoftBank (SFTBF) at that time.

It was a great success that Yahoo, a tech company, bought a large stake in Alibaba in 2005 in a deal. , Worth $ 4 billion, has given Alibaba management over Yahoo's operations in China. Over the next decade, Alibaba has collected millions of additional customers and is believed to be the catalyst for moving. Changing Chinese society by giving people a lot of jobs.

Alibaba appeared on the New York Stock Exchange in September 2014 and raised the record for a $ 25 billion fundraiser but initially, The stock on the stock market was shaken as the company struggled to meet Wall Street's high expectations. Jack Ma gave his views in a 60-minute interview to CBS: "We believe that" customers Staff members if they do not want to buy it, they can sell us. "

Love them, do not marry them
Like other Chinese technology companies that have emerged over the past two decades, Alibaba must explore an economic The ruling Communist Party was occupying. He spoke in 60 minutes to international media that Ali was working with Chinese authorities when he spoke about the issue National security, but he said he still tried to keep the government away from his policy, "never did Trade with the government ". So he said, "Love them, but do not marry them."

He recently told Bloomberg TV that he wanted to return home one day. "This is what I think I can do better than being CEO of Alibaba," he said ".

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