Saturday, January 5, 2019

Jack Ma 3 Different Things that Leadership Needs

He is China's billionaire and founder of Alibaba, Asia's largest online marketing company. Whatever the company or institution is, there is a need for a better and more intelligent leader than​ other people. Maintaining the operation of the entire organization smoothly and towards progress, according to Jack Ma, 3 different things that leadership needs.

The first thing that the leaders are capable of is a long-term vision that ordinary people can not. This long-term vision is very important to be able to visualize the story at a later date and to be ready. Prepare strategies and plans to deal with problems and take advantage of the whole unit.

The second thing is to struggle with problems that are happening and are likely to happen, which is not easy to give up. This is important because as a leader who has no resistance and easily gives up, the staff The lower classes feel and they should depend on who they are. At this point, if the staff decides to give up, the chances of success remain hopeless, if the leader leaves, then the whole thing That's exactly right.

The third point is to acknowledge your failure. No one has ever lost, but what is important is to recognize that it is a failure Receiving this will help you avoid further failures and find new ways to change the situation Better. But if you do not admit defeat, do not expect to run out of failure.

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